The HIT List

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Drew Baye's High Intensity Training HIT List: Learn the most effective, time-efficient, and safest ways to exercise and eat to build a lean, muscular physique, and optimize your overall fitness and health at any age.

The HIT List is a private learning platform, online training group, and forum dedicated to teaching you everything you need to know about exercise principles, programming, and performance and helping you optimize your workouts and diet to get the best possible results, safely and efficiently. If you are an exercise instructor, personal trainer, or health professional it will teach you how to do the same for your clients or patients.

  • New content every week teaching a broad range of exercise and fitness related topics from beginner to expert
  • Detailed instruction and demonstration of every aspect of exercise performance, from general guidelines to specific protocols, exercises, and techniques
  • Detailed answers to all your questions about exercise, nutrition, and personal training
  • A space to discuss your goals, workouts, diet, and progress with other members, and get expert feedback, support, and motivation
  • Reviews, critique, and discussion of the practical applications of exercise studies to your fitness, physique, and health goals
  • No advertisements! Because the HIT List is entirely member-supported there are no ads in the videos and no sponsors biasing the content
  • Exclusive discounts on all of my high intensity training books and courses
Drew Baye's High Intensity Training HIT List: Hundreds of exclusive videos on exercise principles, programming, and performance to help you get the best possible results from your workouts, safely and efficiently.

The hundreds of videos, guides, and articles in the HIT List would cost thousands of dollars as separate training courses. As a member you get access to all of them for less than a dollar a day.

How to join The HIT List:

1. Subscribe with PayPal using the button below

2. You will receive an e-mail with an invitation to join the group within 24 hours (usually within 1-2 hours between 8am and 8pm EST weekdays). Click the link in the invitation email to visit sign up page.

If you don’t receive your invite within 24 hours check your spam folder!

HIT List Membership: $19.99/month:

To cancel your HIT List membership at any time click here 

Drew Baye's High Intensity Training HIT List: Get expert help to optimize your exercise form, workouts, and diet, and the motivation and support you need to achieve all your fitness, physique, and health goals.

What HIT List Members Are Saying:

“Best and most comprehensive education available. This is the resource I use to train my trainers.”

—Doug McGuff, MD, author of Body by Science

“I must admit, I was intensely skeptical about joining. It was a leap of faith, to say the least.

I regret none of it.

The amount of knowledge and intelligence you will acquire surpasses the price by a very large margin.”

— Chef Mo

“Drew’s HIT list has been an excellent resource and motivational tool. I wish I had this exercise knowledge when I was younger – would have saved me a lot of time, and probably would have resulted in way fewer injuries than I have suffered.”

— Randy P.

“The HIT List is the real deal…My gains have increased tremendously, and I’m training smarter and harder with the tools and techniques learned from the HIT List content. Even the “simplest” exercises have so many minute details that once you learn how to properly do them, you’ll feel as if you’re doing them for the first time. I don’t think there’s anything else quite like this available. I’ll be a member as long as it exists. Great value, great content, great instructor.”

“Not a question, but I would like to say, as a new member, how grateful I am to have access to all this amazing information.”

— Mark O.

“Since becoming a member in May, I’ve had great results. Even as a regular exerciser before arriving here, I’ve increased the weight on most of my core compound lifts by 30-40 lbs using the same 10/10 cadence and rep range throughout.

I feel better, stronger, recover much better, and your tips have significantly improved my technique, range of motion, and quality of muscular contractions. It’s also helped tremendously with rehab for a shoulder injury that had me barely able to train for a year.”

— Stephen W.

“Drew Baye’s HIT list is one of the best investments I’ve ever made. It’s like having a world class coach on hand—he answers questions almost immediately in the forums and I’ve never seen anyone post as much high quality material as regularly and of this depth (usually an hour long) in any coaching program I’ve been in.

His background in human biology is evident in his methodological approach. I’ve been around many of the best martial arts coaches in the world—Matt Thornton, Rickson Gracie, Henry Akins, Karl Tanswell, Dave Camarillo, etc.—and I know what coaching is and isn’t. I also used to do phone consultations with Mike Mentzer so I’ve some experience of HIT. I make my living from developing machine learning software. I know what optimization is.

With Drew, I feel like all of these worlds have been brought together and Drew has redefined what intensity is in exercise. He’s corrected my form and reduced my risk of injury as well. I cannot recommend him enough.”

— Glyn P.

Drew Baye's High Intensity Training HIT List: Dozens of high intensity training workout and program templates from beginner to advanced, usable with free weights, machines, body weight, and statics

“Drew’s “Start Here” information would pretty much be comparable to an entire freshman year in University, plus an internship for the summer…”

— Daniel Thompson, SSEG Master Instructor

“I am very much enjoying the site, and your advice. I still cannot totally believe that I am getting the results I am getting, with a relatively tiny amount of time in the gym (though, of course, a great amount of effort). I look forward to getting at it every week. Thanks for your encouragement, instruction, and knowledge.”

— Nate S., MD

“Drew Baye’s knowledge of proper exercise is literally (“literally” being a term that is often overused but not in this case) second to none. I’ve know Drew since the early 90’s and have had the privilege to be trained by him.  The material on his HIT List is a treasure chest combination of applicable methodology as well as an explanation of the science and logic behind it.  Exercise instructors and fitness enthusiasts alike will not find a better source of accurate information.”

— Richard C.

“The HIT List is the real deal…My gains have increased tremendously, and I’m training smarter and harder with the tools and techniques learned from the HIT List content. Even the “simplest” exercises have so many minute details that once you learn how to properly do them, you’ll feel as if you’re doing them for the first time. I don’t think there’s anything else quite like this available. I’ll be a member as long as it exists. Great value, great content, great instructor.”

— Alex B.

“I just subscribed a week ago; was a bit skeptical because I can’t stand social media or anything remotely close. You figure personal training is $150 plus gas, plus shakes, plus bottled water, etc. The total cost of the HIT List is comparable to those costs. And Drew is remarkable with answering questions and his videos were mind-blowing.”

— Andrew H.

“Your HIT List is the best thing I’ve paid for. You’re doing a great job of covering EVERYTHING”

— Doug S.

“Just wanna say how happy I’m to have found and joined the HIT list. I was skeptical initially but it has already paid for itself many times over. What a well of information and what a knowledgeable and helpful community. Drew’s amazing, too, posting new videos that directly address current, ‘hot’ topics and responding to posts and comments. Will definitely recommend to friends.”


“What I like best about the HIT list is the clarity Drew Baye brings to the topics covered. His understanding and ability to retain the details of science, nutrition, physiology, engineering (the list goes on) is so impressive, but his ability to reiterate it to me in a way I can understand is the true gift. These are topics that I consider over my head but after he breaks them down and gives examples that are relatable I understand them much better.

It has taught me how to exercise properly and has given me the confidence to coach others how to exercise properly. As a personal trainer, I find it to be a very reliable resource to go to when I have a question or when I am presented with a new challenge. There has rarely been a topic that I searched and couldn’t find a complete video on or answer.

I personally never had a reservation about joining because I have been following Drew for a few years now and know how thorough and generous he is with information. There are no gimmicks like on other sites where they lead you down this information wormhole only to block you from the answers until you pay. Anything I have ever purchased from his site has been at my own discretion and the value has always exceeded the price. The information is never stale, Drew is constantly updating and refreshing it. Another perk is that you can reach him, he isn’t like some droid that you can’t ask questions or speak to. Whenever I have commented or asked a question he has always gotten back to me with a thoughtful response.

I have taken two separate personal training certification programs and never felt as confident and informed as I do being a HIT list member. I wish I could get certification credits for what I’ve learned from him.”

— Nicole P.

“Unfortunately, it wasn’t until the late age of 45 that I began strength training. I want to be training like this for the rest of my life. Doing it correctly without any injuries or wasted time is important to me. That’s why, in addition to reading Drew’s blog and buying his books, I joined the HIT List.

Since the time I joined the HIT List, my knowledge of how to best exercise has grown enormously. And for a newbie like myself, the HIT List is great because Drew defines the terms he uses. He ensures that you have a good grounding in the basics. He is very thorough with the explanations he gives in his videos. When I’ve had questions Drew has always replied with great answers.

The knowledge I’ve gained from the HIT List has helped me move forward with my strength training with less apprehension and much greater certainty. I feel stronger, healthier and I’ve avoided joint pain – which I hear is one of the most common problems faced by people who strength train. Thank you Drew for starting this group.”

— Simon Z.

“Drew is easy to reach, highly committed and responsible to the group, explains the sometimes complex terms of exercise in a very easy-to-understand way. His crystal clear spoken English makes possible for any unskilled foreigner to understand the terminology. The vast content is of remarkable value and transferable into our real practice.”

— Vicente V.

“I have read a lot of books respectively and engaged in training, I attended different seminars and personal trainer courses. But the most relevant information I got here in the HIT List group.

So now I started my own (personal training) business and today I gave my first trainer lesson and earned my first money in this field, using statics (TSC) and dynamics applying HIT principals!”

— Dietmar H.

“Thanks to the Timed Static Contraction protocol advocated by Drew in his Hit List group and explained in his  “Timed Static Contraction Training” book I could close my gym membership, start to train wherever I want with no equipment but a seat, a wall, and a strap, and  in less than one year gain more muscle than the previous five years training with weight.

Moreover, by the huge amount of video available to the Hit List members I’ve learned so much regarding human physiology, correct training technique, and how to approach to trainees  I’m thinking taking an exam to become a personal trainer.

In addition, some of the group members are very knowledgeable and give very good advice, the other always put interesting question, to which Drew answers extensively.”

— Dario G.G.

“I wish I would have signed up for the HIT List years ago and saved myself a ton of time and wasted effort in the gym. You will not find any other online forum with this much in-depth and scientifically based content. Drew’s attention to detail in the videos is second to none, with a strong emphasis on proper technique, and getting results as safely and efficiently as possible. Drew answers all questions in a thorough and thoughtful manner, and regularly posts content based on specific requests of the community members. It is very evident that Drew cares about everyone in the community getting the best results possible, which is greatly appreciated!”

— Greg C.

“Thank you for all of the no nonsense straightforward information that you share. I’m 61 years old and I have trained for over 45 years and for more than 40 years have followed a HIT type of training. But since I became a member of the HIT List I can honestly say I have never trained harder, safer and smarter. That’s thanks to you and your vast knowledge of exercise and your motivational approach.”

— Don W.

“Being part of the Hit List is by far the best investment I’ve made to enhance my knowledge regarding all things exercise. From how to do exercises, how to instruct exercises, what equipment is better/safer/more ideal than others, and so much more. Drew is extremely knowledgeable and whether you’re new to exercise or been doing it for years, I promise you will gain an immense amount of knowledge related to exercise being part of this community.”

— Nathan C.

Drew Baye's High Intensity Training HIT List: Level up your training today! Join the best online learning platform, training group, and discussion forum for high intensity training practitioners and professionals
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